Membership in The American Lodge of Research is open to any Master Mason who belongs to a lodge that is located in a jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York and who is in good standing. Membership is divided into three classes; Active Members, Corresponding Members & Fellows.
All classes of membership are entitled to attend meetings and will receive a copy of The Transactions of The American Lodge of Research when it is available.
Active Member
Active Members form the bedrock of The American Lodge of Research. These members are all affiliates who are members of a regularly constituted lodge under the jurisdiction of either the Grand Lodge of New York or any other grand lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York. This class of membership is limited to Master Masons who have previously published or read a paper before The American Lodge of Research, who have submitted a paper for potential inclusion in The Transactions of The ALR, or those who can submit a paper to the Lodge over the course of a year from the time of their successful petition to the Lodge. Active Members are allowed to become officers of the Lodge and vote on business matters pertaining to the Lodge.
Petitioners for Active Membership should submit fees at the link below which represents an annual membership fee plus a one-time application fee. Petitioners should also either indicate that they will be submitting a paper topic and paper over the course of the following year or submit a copy of their paper to the Secretary or Master of the Lodge. When submitting a paper to the Master and Secretary, please use the Style Guidelines of The American Lodge of Research (Supplement), as well as The Quarry Project Style Guide for US Masonic Publications (First Edition). Successful petitioners will have their application balloted upon at the next Stated Communication at which point they will become an Active Member of The ALR.
Payments for current and petitioning Active Members can be found in the Membership Subscriptions section of this site.
Corresponding Member
Corresponding membership constitutes those who have not yet submitted a paper to The ALR. These members are all affiliates who are members of a regularly constituted lodge under the jurisdiction of either the Grand Lodge of New York or any other grand lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York. This class of membership is limited to Master Masons, as well as Masonic Lodges and Masonic Libraries.
Petitioners for Corresponding Membership should submit fees at the below link which represents an annual fee plus a one-time application fee. Successful petitioners will have their application balloted upon at the next Stated Communication at which point they will become an Active Member of The ALR. Additionally, bonafide academic institutions may subscribe to The Transactions at the Corresponding Member annual fee without having to pay for an application fee.
Payments for current and petitioning Corresponding Members can be found in the Membership Subscriptions section of this site.
Fellowship is an honor to be conferred upon Master Masons for outstanding achievement in Masonic research and publication. It may be conferred upon any Master Mason in good standing, affiliated with a Lodge in a jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York, by the unanimous ballot of the Active Members of The ALR at a Stated Communication. A historical list of Fellows is available in the About Us section of this website.